Sexy Text Message Strategies

1. Avoid being boring and predictable. Boringness and predictability is the most dangerous form of text-fencing crime. Text messages must be interesting and enjoyable. Don't send messages that seem boring, or as simple as "Hey! :")" or "How's your day going?" It's a complete snorefest. The messages will come from all the people she meets, therefore make sure that you make yourself stand out. Make it a bit unique to offer her an incentive. Like, "You totally cheated at football the other night." I want a rematch.

2. Be personal. Sometimes text messages can be a bit personal. This can increase the intimacy between you. Make sure to include the name of your girlfriend in your messages. Girls are awestruck when you include their name in the message. It's more intimate. You can also make use of her special nicknameto make it seem like you're laughing together. Make sure to use the words "us" or "we" in your messages. This gives girls a sense of "me and the universe against me" that they love.

3. Give her a compliment. For example, "Wow, I love your hair today! It's gorgeous!" It's a simple thing to do. Girls love being complimented. They feel appreciated and appreciated. Try to include a few compliments to your messages. A classic compliment, yet efficient, is "I cannot stop thinking about your black and white dress" or "You have the most bizarre sense of humor, but it's amazing!" You should be sincere and not just trying to impress her. You can tell if someone is fake or not. See this fascinating messages for examples.

4. Be be mysterious. It's okay to be a bit shady when you send texts. You would like her to feel as if she's chasing after you, and not the other way around. You shouldn't send a long and detailed text message on each detail to her when she wants to know. Try writing something like "It is rather bizarre, actually." People always amaze me." You can be sure that she'll be curious and be asking for more information in the following message. Don't make too much of a statement if she questions your weekend plans. It's impossible convince her that you're just going to be spending the weekend working on some paper. Tell her you're going off to fight dragons or something similar It doesn't have to be true as long as the story is interesting.

5.Tease her gently. Teasing is a wonderful flirting technique that creates a kind of intimacy without becoming too serious. You can mock your girl but not make it offensive by calling her an adorable nickname. Examples include "freckles", "little miss perfect" and other similar phrases. Tell her something you heard or saw the last time you were hanging out. For example when she mentions that she is drinking Coke and you want to say "just don't do it like you did last year ;)". This is called call-back humor. It brings attention to times when you had fun together and helps her feel more positive regarding your friendship. Your relationship with text messages could be ruined quickly if you are rude or mean.

6 Be suggestive. No text flirting relationship would be complete without some sexually sexy idea to keep it interesting. You could also ask her what dress she's wearing. Another option is to take a seemingly innocent statement she makes into sexual. It could be that is as straightforward as "I cannot imagine how long it is!" (referring to a film or similar to something harmless) you could reply with a simple "that's the way she spoke". You could mention that you just got out from the shower when your nerves are getting impeding you from getting into the sexting lane. This puts the ball in her lap. If she responds with the form of sexually flirtatious words, such as "dang it would be nice to see that") it'll let you know she's open. See this i love you more than everything for more.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Make your text messages short and sweet. Text messages that are long can appear a bit too eager and boring. It is best to keep your messages concise and short - no more than two or three sentences. Make sure to each message hilarious, clever or sweet -flirting should never be limited to a conversation about the weather.

2. Send the same number of messages. It is important to send the same number of texts to everyone within your relationships via text. The sending of too many text messages can make you seem a little too eager or open. You'll appear to be coming with too much - which will either freak her out or cause her to lose interest. If you're not careful you could look disinterested or convince her that you are messaging multiple girls at the same time. If this is the case it could be that she decides to give you up for a loss. Therefore, you need to achieve a balance by sending an approximately equal amount of text messages with the balance tilted slightly in her direction if possible. It is essential to know who initiates and closes each conversation. Alternate if you can.

3. Be mindful of your grammar and spelling. When you send text messages, you're trying to convey the impression that you are intelligent and funny. Teenagers may be fine with this, however anyone over 18 has to be attentive to spelling and grammar.
You don't need a dictionary in order to appear smart. Simply look over the text you're about to send to check for obvious spelling errors or mistakes. The way that your text is read may be greatly affected by the punctuation. For example, if your girl has sent you a photo of her in a brand new outfit, "wow!" You sound a lot more excited with "wow!" than simply "wow" or "I liked it" ..." sounds much more flirty and inviting than "I loved it." Be careful not to overdo it with the exclamation points, questions marks, smiley face, winky faces and other emoticons -they can be powerful in the right context, however they can be a bit snobby in the event of excessive use. See this relationship inspirational messages for recommendations.

4. Don't let the conversation drag. One of the most crucial techniques to acquire is how to end an unending conversation. Do not let your texting session get too long. You will soon find yourself with nothing to discuss, and the conversation can quickly get boring and boring. It is important that you stop the conversation before she reaches this point. She'll always be looking for more. The best way to end the conversation is with something flirty and cute like "gotta go I'm going to go, my dear. I'll talk to you next time." Do not get into too much trouble without my permission!" or "Time to sleep. I need to get my beauty rest." I'm excited to meet you in the midst of your fantasies.

5. Do not use text flirting in lieu of flirting in person. Don't use text flirting to substitute for genuine flirting. Although texting is great and it's great for all (and you may use it to say things you'd be embarrassed to say in person), nothing can beat the sparks that fly when you flirt in person. Texting can be used to initiate conversations to arrange dates or organize your next casual date. This gives your texting an objective and something you can both enjoy. You will find that things like eye contact, dazzling smiles, and a nice stroke of your arm are more effective than the use of words displayed on the computer screen.

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